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    Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


    Software: BackTrack Remote Exploit V3
    Download: http://www.remote-exploit.org
    Chipset: ATHEROS (Cisco Aironet 802.11 a/b/g / NEC
    WarpStar WL54AG, Netgear WG311T)
    - Boot from CD or HD with BT V3
    - 64 MB free writeable Space
    - 2 Shells (under Xwindows it’s easier (startx))
    If XWindows doesn’t work, configure it wirh “xconf” or
    „xorgconfig --textmode“
    - BT = BackTrack
    - MAC = MAC Address
    - AP = Accesspoint
    - CL = Client
    - IFC = Interface (here ath0 placeholder)
    - FILE = Log file 2 store the packets
    - CH = Channel
    - DIC = Dictionary File (.dic or .txt)
    This Hack is only working with the Brute Force method.
    My Core2Duo 3GHz hacks 420 Keys / Sec.
    It doesn’t matter WPA or WPA2. For hacking it is the
    same. ONLY WPA2 encrypted as TKIP works. AES is
    General Conditions:
    - Accesspoint with good Signal
    - one Client, who is connected to the AP.
    - A Dictionary File

    Hack it !
    1) Wireless Device identification
    We want to know how our device is named in the System.
    Type „iwconfig“. With Atheros Chipsets the devices calls
    always athX.

    2) Fake that MAC! (optional)
    First, we fake our own MAC address. So nobody can
    identify us any more.
    ifconfig IFC hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55

    3) Turn on Monitor Mode
    To get all the packages we put our device in the
    „Promiscuous Mode“
    First we kill the monitor mode on the ath0 device and
    create a new monitor device over the wifi0 device. After
    we created the monitor device, we can use the ath0.
    airmon-ng stop ath0 (delete the monitor mode)
    airmon-ng start wifi0 (start monitor mode auf ath0)

    4) What is online ? (SHELL 1)
    Search some AP’s with already connected Clients.
    (you can see it in the bottom half of the screen, calls
    Stations and Clients)
    airodump-ng –w FILE IFC
    CTRL – C

    5) Choose your enemy (SHELL 1)
    Please remember the MAC address of the AP you want to
    hack. Remember also the channel number from the AP you
    want to hack.
    Now we only want to collect the packages on that channel
    and we like to store that traffic in a CAP-file.
    (DONT USE „--ivs“ Option!!)
    airodump-ng –w FILE –c CH --bssid APMAC IFC

    6) Waiting for a Handshake ! (SHELL 2)
    Ok .. now we can wait for a Handshake. (You can see it in
    the ariodump-ng window SHELL 1). The “enemy” don’t feel
    anything about. But this can take a long time. You have to
    wait for a client-reconnect from which you will get the
    handshake. But we can provoke a reconnect form a client.
    How can we provoke a reconnect? easy… we tell to the AP
    „Hello I am the client , and I want to disconnect.” The real
    Client think „Shiiit I am disconnected.. I must reconnect
    immediately!“ And we get the handshake we need and we
    store it in SHELL1
    You can see it in the first line of SHELL1.
    So, if you want provoke a reconnect, type more then one
    times the fallowing command. (wait 5-20s between)
    aireplay-ng -0 1 -a AP_MAC –c CL_MAC IFC

    7) Crack the key! (SHELL 1)
    Ok … we got the handshake. Let’s crack it! We compare the
    stored handshake in the .cap file with the dictionary file.
    aircrack-ng -0 –x2 -w DIC FILE.cap

    8) Connect to the hacked AP (SHELL2)
    With a MAC filtered AP you have to set a trusted MAC
    address from a client on your own card.
    ifconfig IFC down hw ether CL_MAC (maybe reset IFC first)
    and then connect to the AP